Job Description
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Job Title: Classroom Teacher
Grade: Main Scale/Upper Pay Spine
Reports: to Headteacher
Liaison with: Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team (SLT), SEN Co-ordinator, Pupils, Parents, Governors, Learning Support Assistants and Midday Assistants.
Job Purpose:
To take responsibility for the education and welfare of a designated class of children in accordance with the current School Teachers' Pay and Conditions document, having due regard to the requirements of any statutory and recommended frameworks including the EYFS curriculum, National Curriculum, Local Authority and School policies.
Be responsible for the learning and achievement of all pupils in the class/es ensuring equality of opportunity for all.
Be responsible and accountable for achieving the highest possible standards in work and conduct.
Treat pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher's professional position.
Work proactively and effectively in collaboration and partnership with pupils, parents/carers, Headteacher, Line Manager, members of the SLT, other staff and external agencies in the best interests of pupils.
Take responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young people within the school.
To maintain a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of the teaching of your subjects and take account of wider curriculum developments which are relevant to your work.
To plan lessons and sequences of lessons to meet pupils' individual learning needs.
To use a range of appropriate strategies and follow school policies for teaching, behaviour and classroom management.
To ensure that you safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils in the school.
To set well-grounded expectations and targets for pupils in your class using information about prior attainment.
To assess, monitor and record the progress of pupils in your class and give them clear and constructive feedback.
To ensure that, as a result of your teaching, your pupils achieve well relative to their prior attainment, making progress as good as or better than similar pupils nationally and in the School.
To take responsibility for your own professional development and use the outcomes to improve your teaching and your pupils' learning.
To make an active contribution to the policies, aspirations and plans of your year group, of your curriculum area and of the School.
To contribute to the preparation and development of programmes of study, schemes of work, teaching materials, teaching programmes, methods of teaching and marking and pastoral arrangements throughout the school, including school trips, special assemblies, performances and special events.
To plan, prepare and assess lessons in line with school policies and schemes of work.
To teach lessons according to the individual needs of pupils, having high expectations and setting challenging targets.
To promote the inclusion and acceptance of all children within the classroom ensuring equal access to lessons and their content.
To mark work and provide feedback (including homework in accordance with the School's Homework Policy) to pupils and parents/carers in line with the School Marking and Feedback Policy.
To keep up-to-date assessments on the development, progress and attainment of pupils, recording and reporting these assessments in line with the school's Assessment Policy.
To administer assessment tasks and tests in line with school policy.
Other Activities:
To promote the positive ethos and culture of the School to other staff, Governors, parents, children and members of the wider community.
To contribute to and support the overall ethos, work and aims of the school.
To comply with, support and promote all school policies and procedures, particularly those relating to child protection, equal opportunities, racial equality, health, safety and security, confidentiality, behaviour and data protection, reporting concerns to the Head Teacher.
To be aware of and support pupil differences and ensure that all pupils have equal access to all school opportunities to learn and develop.
To promote the general progress and wellbeing of individual pupils throughout the school.
To provide advice and guidance to pupils and parents on educational, emotional, behavioural and social matters in line with school policies and in consultation with the SEN Coordinator.
To keep records and make reports on the personal and social needs of pupils.
To communicate and co-operate with other agencies to support the educational, development/general progress and wellbeing of individual pupils and to participate in meetings arranged for any purposes described above including One Plan Meetings.
To inform the SLT and SEN Co-ordinator immediately of any concerns regarding a pupil's welfare.
To communicate and consult with parents/carers of pupils and provide an accurate written annual report for parents.
To maintain good order and discipline throughout the School, in line with the school's behaviour policy.
To safeguard every pupil's health, safety and wellbeing in line with school policies.
To participate in professional development meetings which relate to the curriculum, administration or organisation of the school, including pastoral arrangements.
To attend assemblies, when requested by the Headteacher and SLT team.
To register pupils at the start of the school day and after the lunch break.
To supervise pupils throughout the school during playtimes and at any other times requested by the Headteacher.
To plan, manage and organise the work of other adults (TAs, LSAs) assigned to the classroom in order to have a positive impact on pupil progress.
To ensure that other adults assigned to the classroom meet all of the responsibilities as set out in their job descriptions, in a timely and effective manner.
Training and Development:
To review and evaluate the teaching methods and schemes of work.
To participate in training and development activities in school or at other providers in order to improve professional skills and knowledge.
To participate in performance management reviews in line with school policy.
Job Title:Early Years Leader
Grade:TLR 2a
Reports to:Headteacher
Liaison with: Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team
Job Purpose:
The EYFS Lead will work in partnership with the Headteacher to ensure high quality education and achievements for the early year foundation pupils.
· To work with the Headteacher to develop outstanding practice in EYFS.
· To provide leadership to the EYFS team, ensuring that resources, targets and growth are in line with the School's expectations.
· Oversee the Early Years provision, ensuring that the highest possible standards are achieved for all children.
· Co-ordinating and overseeing teaching staff and support staff working in the nursery, preschool and Reception.
· The coaching, mentoring and development of all EYFS staff.
· Advise and update the Headteacher and colleagues on all aspects of the EYFS.
· Co-ordinate and advise the Headteacher on the organisation and day to day management of the EYFS.
· Ensure a smooth transition of pupils into our nursery, Reception and Year 1.
· Develop and strengthen good relationships with parents / carers, pre-school providers and the wider community.
· Represent the school to parents / carers and wider community.
· Monitor, evaluate and support the Teaching & Learning of EYFS and report to the Headteacher as appropriate.
· Provide support to colleagues in the Teaching and Learning of the EYFS curriculum.
· Ensure assessment procedures for recording, reporting and tracking pupils' progress are secure and effective.
· Ensure the baseline for each year is secure and reliable in each setting.
· To join SLT meetings and support the Headteacher with the EYFS section of the SIP.
· Undertake line management responsibilities for EYFS staff including undertaking PMRs
EYFS Lead will be entitled to:
· Support in his / her role from the Headteacher, SLT and colleagues.
· Opportunities, support and encouragement to undertake further Professional Development.
· Regular class release time.
· Regular opportunities to work closely with the Headteacher, School Leaders and colleagues to discuss issues and share ideas on how together we can further develop our Early Years Provision.
Special Features:
· The post holder is employed under the Teachers Pay and Conditions, however, the post holder is expected to work the hours required to ensure that the role is fulfilled to the highest possible standard.
· To participate in the performance and development review process, taking personal responsibility for identification of learning, development and training opportunities in discussion with Line Manager.
· To comply with individual responsibilities, in accordance with the role, for health & safety in the workplace.
· Ensure that all duties and services provided are in accordance with the School's Equal Opportunities Policy.
· The HINS Governors are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share in this commitment.
· The duties may be varied to meet changing circumstances in the post held. Any such developments will only take place after consultation with all those involved and do not form part of the teacher's contract.