Job Description
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Berlesduna Academy Trust are looking for Trustees and Governors to support the ongoing growth and development of the Trust. Volunteers with professional experience, gained in any sector, are invited to apply.
Many of the functions of the Trust and Academy Committees (Local Governing Boards) are statutory or have a legal framework. Trustees and Governors need to be able to think strategically, challenge, monitor and support.
Trustees and Governors work closely with the Trust and school leadership teams, they are all responsible for the three core functions of governance (duties are delegated as outlined in the scheme of delegation)
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction
Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and for the performance management of staff
Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
The Trust consists of a board of Trustees and is required to comply with charitable objectives which relate to the provision of education in schools. Trustees would be required to attend five board meetings a year, face to face and/or virtual, and be a member of at least one committee (Standards, Finance, Premises and Personnel or Audit and Risk) which would require attendance at three further virtual meetings a year. They may also be required to sit on panel meetings, when required. Trustees would be welcome to visit the schools within the Trust and network with members of the local governing boards. Most meetings are held in the late afternoon or early evening.
Each school has an academy committee, these are referred to as (Local Governing Boards.) Governors have delegated statutory roles for monitoring and focus on safeguarding, SEN and all curriculum matters. There are a minimum of three meetings held each academic year, times vary between schools, some are held during the day, others, early evening. Governors would also be required to sit on panel meetings, as required.
All governors and Trustees will receive access to the NGA training package, this includes face to face meetings, networking opportunities and online training.
The Trust would invite you to complete the attached application form and return this to the Governance professional
A meeting will be set up to enable potential applicants to meet with existing Trustees/Governors to discuss the roles further and visit one or more of the schools in the trust.
Information about the School
The vision of the Berlesduna Academy Trust is to create and foster a culture of high aspiration, enjoyment for learning, academic success and lifelong skills amongst all pupils, regardless of their social, economic or cultural background.