Woodham Ley Primary School

South Benfleet
☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Dave Walton

DFES Number:2136


District:Castle Point

Web site:www.woodhamley.essex.sch.uk

Rushbottom Lane
South Benfleet

Telephone:01268 753652

Fax:01268 753700



Woodham Ley is a one form entry primary school, located in Benfleet, Essex. We are part of the Robus Multi Academy Trust.

The school is a bright and spacious building, with extensive grounds, including an excellent outdoor provision for the Early Years Department. In addition to the seven classrooms, there is an extended services hub and pre-school facility on site.

Woodham Ley is a friendly school with excellent, well behaved pupils. Our mission statement is to develop unique and ambitious children who make informed choices and are inspired to reach their greatest potential.

Map to School