Kenningtons Primary Academy

☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Mrs J Sawtell-Haynes

DFES Number:5266




Tamar Drive
RM15 4NB

Telephone:01708 865663



Kenningtons Primary Academy is a stand alone Academy for 3 to 11 year olds, located in the heart of the Kenningtons Estate in Aveley, Essex. We serve a diverse community and welcome all children who live in the local area. The school accommodates 60 children in each year group.

We are proud of the high standards we set for the pupils and staff. Through an innovative approach we ensure that the children can be the best they can be. We place equal emphasis on academic achievement, personal development and sporting achievement to name but a few. We run an impressive Pupil Responsibility programme in which children take on jobs across the school in addition to being famous for our Annual Summer Music Festival – it could rival Glastonbury!

Every child at Kenningtons is treated as an individual, and we do all within our powers, and sometimes out of our powers, to offer a bespoke experience. As a result of this pupils at our school do well and are ready for the next phase of education.

We offer wrap around care, from 7.30am to 6pm, through our breakfast club and after school provision. Our nursery is open from 8.45am until 3.30pm offering 30 hour provision to those who qualify, or as a paid offer.

We have an ever developing and impressive site. Our nature garden, woodland area, allotments and animal zone with chickens offer our children a unique experience. Our classrooms are large and modern, providing a learning environment fit for the 21st Century.

Map to School