Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred

☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Acting Head of Academy : Lauren Arnell

DFES Number:2987



Web site:www.harrisprimarychaffordhundred.org.uk

Mayflower Road
Chafford Hundred
RM16 6SA

Telephone:01375 484490

Fax:01375 484495



Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred is a three form entry Academy located in the heart of Chafford Hundred, which is a modern development bordering Lakeside and Thurrock, serving a vibrant and diverse community. Chafford Hundred has good links to central London as well as being accessible from Kent and Essex.

Our Core values of: Teamwork, Resilience, Respect, Responsibility and Community underpin everything that happens at Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred. They are our foundations and we have a clear expectation that all adults, as well as children and staff, model and respect these values both inside and outside the academy.

We offer each child an education, which inspires and prepares them for academic and personal success, both now and in the future. Our shared belief is that children thrive when they feel consistently happy and safe at school and our commitment to excellence is encapsulated in our vision statement: "Excellence, Every Child, Every Day." Our staff and Governors share this vision and work together to see that every child reaches their potential.

Map to School