Rivenhall Church of England Primary School

☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Mrs Rebecca More

DFES Number:3205



Web site:www.rivenhallprimary.co.uk

Rivenhall Primary School
Church Road

Telephone:01376 514509

Fax:01376 502452



Our Vision and Values

                                                                  MANY HEARTS – ONE SCHOOL

At Rivenhall C of E Primary School we recognise and celebrate the individuality of each person, and yet also cherish the common good that is created when those hearts come together as one school. This reflects the teaching of the Apostle Paul who said “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians Ch 12 v 12

God has created us as individuals and we all have different gifts and abilities which, when we bring to our school community demonstrates we are interdependent on one another.

This school is a community where we all work together, where individual needs are recognised and supported and where every child matters. We firmly believe that collective worship is an integral part of our community and through it children develop socially, morally and spiritually. We are an Academy and are part of the Diocese of Chelmsford Vine Schools Trust.


We’ll do this by i) developing faith, ii) promoting wellbeing, iii) enabling learning, iv) encouraging responsibility, and v) inspiring aspiration.

The shared Christian values that underpin our life together are:

LOVE – runs throughout our whole approach to school life; our school prayer says, ‘let love abide here.’ 1 John 4:11 [1 Corinthians 13]

CARE – we prioritise nurturing one another, so that every person’s spiritual and emotional wellbeing are protected and cared for. Ephesians 4:32 [Philippians 4:7]

WISDOM – we believe that learning leads not only to academic achievement, but also wisdom for life. Proverbs 3:13 [Proverbs 16:16]

RESPECT – we respect every one of God’s children, which breeds a culture of compassion and acceptance. 1 Peter 2:17 [Matthew 6:26]

COURAGE – we encourage each person to persevere and show resilience in all their endeavours. Joshua 1:7 [Isaiah 41:13]

Map to School


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