Corringham Primary School and Nursery

☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Karina Garrick

DFES Number:2006




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Herd Lane
SS17 9BH

Telephone:01375 672157



Our school is located in the heart of Corringham. Corringham Primary School is a GOOD school with a Proud History-first serving the community of Corringham in 1870. Many of our current pupil's parents and families have been part of the school and we even have teachers who were also our pupils.

Our aim is for every child to be the "Best That They Can Be"! Through an inspiring,creative,ambitious and inclusive curriculum we achieve high standards for all our children.We have two classes in each year group.The children are supported in their learning and social and emotional development by a highly qualified and committed team of professionals.

We have a specialised provision for children with Speech and Language difficulties. These children receive specialised Speech Therapy, Speech and Language Teaching and are also supported in their mainstream class.We also have an inclusion Hub catering for the full of range of Social,Emotional and Mental Health and Well-Being needs of our pupils. Our school is an exciting place to learn and our pupils work hard and behave well. We are proud of our focus on a child-centred curriculum where children are encouraged to achieve their fullest potential in a safe, secure and inspiring learning environment.

Map to School