Paxman Academy

☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Carol-Anne Moffat

DFES Number:0




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Paxman Avenue

Telephone:01255 750913



Paxman Academy opened in September 2019 and admitted 180 Year 7 students in the first year.

Paxman Academy is committed to providing an ordered, stimulating learning environment in which all students are encouraged to achieve their best. It is determined that all students should be valued through the provision of a broad, relevant, balanced and challenging curriculum that caters for individual needs; this is encouraged within an atmosphere of mutual respect. The Academy recognises its role within the broader community. It is determined to maintain a STEM focus throughout the curriculum and across extended learning opportunities. It identifies learning as a lifelong process and values the contribution made by parents and others to the creation of a partnership. Within this partnership, and through learning opportunities provided, students will develop skills, attitudes and values that prepare them to accept the challenges and responsibilities of adult life.

Paxman Academy embraces the values of The Sigma Trust to ensure that all students will fulfil their potential and transform life chances for all.

Safeguarding The Sigma Trust is committed to safeguarding and protecting the children and young people that we work with. As such, all posts are subject to safer recruitment process, including the disclosure of criminal records, online checks and other vetting checks. We ensure that we have a range of policies in place which promote safeguarding and safer working practice across our schools.

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